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Receive payments with saved cards - Cards and customers management - Mercado Pago Developers

Receive payments with saved cards

In order for a customer to be able to make a payment with their cards previously saved in their account, it is necessary that a new capture of the card's security code is performed. This is because, for security reasons, Mercado Pago cannot store this data.

To receive payments from previously saved cards, follow the steps below.

View saved cards

The first step is to display the list of saved cards to the buyer so that they can choose the option they want to use when making a payment. To do so, send a GET with the necessary attributes to the endpoint /v1/customers/{customer_id}/cards and execute the request or, if you prefer, use the SDKs Listed below.

  $customer_client = new CustomerClient();
  $cards = $client->list("customer_id");
  echo implode ($cards);

const client = new MercadoPagoConfig({ accessToken: 'access_token' });
const customerCard = new CustomerCard(client);

customerCard.list({ customerId: '<CUSTOMER_UD>' }).then(console.log).catch(console.log);


CustomerClient customerClient = new CustomerClient();

Customer customer = customerClient.get("247711297-jxOV430go9fx2e");

cards_response = sdk.card.list(customer_id)
cards = cards_response[:response]

var customerClient = new CustomerClient();
ResourcesList<CustomerCard> customerCards = await customerClient.ListCardsAsync("CUSTOMER_ID");

cards_response = sdk.card().list_all(customer_id)
cards = cards_response["response"]

package main

import (


func main() {
	accessToken := "{{ACCESS_TOKEN}}"

	cfg, err := config.New(accessToken)
	if err != nil {

	client := customercard.NewClient(cfg)

	resources, err := client.List(context.Background(), "<CUSTOMER_ID>")
	if err != nil {

	for _, v := range resources {

curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
'https://api.mercadopago.com/v1/customers/CUSTOMER_ID/cards' \


Data response from a saved card:


"id": "1490022319978",
"expiration_month": 12,
"expiration_year": 2020,
"first_six_digits": "415231",
"last_four_digits": "0001",

Create payment form

After displaying the saved cards, create the payment form using the code below directly in your project.

    #form-checkout {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      max-width: 600px;

    .container {
      height: 18px;
      display: inline-block;
      border: 1px solid rgb(118, 118, 118);
      border-radius: 2px;
      padding: 1px 2px;
  <form id="form-checkout" method="POST" action="/process_payment">
    <select type="text" id="form-checkout__cardId"></select>
    <div id="form-checkout__securityCode-container" class="container"></div>
    <input name="token" id="token" hidden>

    const mp = new MercadoPago('TEST-2bf9f710-6a6e-47c8-a207-79f5e73b464c');

    const securityCodeElement = mp.fields.create('securityCode', {
      placeholder: "CVV"

    const customerCards = [{
      "id": "3502275482333",
      "last_four_digits": "9999",
      "payment_method": {
        "name": "amex",
      "security_code": {
        "length": 4,

    function appendCardToSelect() {
      const selectElement = document.getElementById('form-checkout__cardId');
      const tmpFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
      customerCards.forEach(({ id, last_four_digits, payment_method }) => {
        const optionElement = document.createElement('option');
        optionElement.setAttribute('value', id)
        optionElement.textContent = `${payment_method.name} ended in ${last_four_digits}`




Capture security code

After viewing the saved cards and creating the payment form, it is necessary to capture the card's security code. To do so, you must create a token by submitting the form with the card ID and security code using the Javascript below.

 const formElement = document.getElementById('form-checkout');
    formElement.addEventListener('submit', e => createCardToken(e));
    const createCardToken = async (event) => {
      try {
        const tokenElement = document.getElementById('token');
        if (!tokenElement.value) {
          const token = await mp.fields.createCardToken({
            cardId: document.getElementById('form-checkout__cardId').value
          tokenElement.value = token.id;
      } catch (e) {
        console.error('error creating card token: ', e)


Create payment

Once the token is obtained, it is necessary to create the payment with the corresponding value. When making a payment with a saved card, you must send the customer ID along with the token using the endpoint /v1/payments or one of the SDKs below.

  use MercadoPago\Client\Payment\PaymentClient;


  $customer_client = new CustomerClient();
  $cards = $client->list("customer_id");
  $client = new PaymentClient();
  $request_options = new RequestOptions();
  $request_options->setCustomHeaders(["X-Idempotency-Key: <SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE>"]);

  $payment = $client->create([
    "transaction_amount" => 100.0,
    "token" => $cards[0]-> token,
    "description" => "My product",
    "installments" => 1,
    "payment_method_id" => "visa",
    "payer" => [
      "type" => "customer",
      "id" => "1234"
  ], $request_options);
  echo implode($payment);

const client = new MercadoPagoConfig({ accessToken: 'access_token' });
const customerClient = new Customer(client);

customerClient.listCards({ customerId: '<CUSTOMER_ID>' })
	.then((result) => {

  const payment = new Payment(client);

  const body = {
    transaction_amount: 100,
    token: result[0].token,
    description: 'My product',
    installments: 1,
    payment_method_id: 'visa',
    payer: {
      type: 'customer',
      id: '123'

  payment.create({ body: body }).then((result) => console.log(result));


PaymentClient client = new PaymentClient();

PaymentCreateRequest request = PaymentCreateRequest.builder()
.transactionAmount(new BigDecimal("100"))


require 'mercadopago'

sdk = Mercadopago::SDK.new('ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN')

payment_request = {
token: 'ff8080814c11e237014c1ff593b57b4d',
installments: 1,
transaction_amount: 100,
payer: {
type: 'customer',
id: '123456789-jxOV430go9fx2e'
payment_response = sdk.payment.create(payment_request)
payment = payment_response[:response]

using MercadoPago.Config;
using MercadoPago.Client.Payment;
using MercadoPago.Resource.Payment;

MercadoPagoConfig.AccessToken = "ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN";

var request = new PaymentCreateRequest
TransactionAmount = 100,
Token = "ff8080814c11e237014c1ff593b57b4d",
Installments = 1,
Payer = new PaymentPayerRequest
Type = "customer",
Email = "test_payer_12345@testuser.com",

var client = new PaymentClient();
Payment payment = await client.CreateAsync(request);

import market
sdk = Mercadopago.SDK("ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN")

payment_data = {
"transaction_amount": 100,
"token": 'ff8080814c11e237014c1ff593b57b4d',
"installations": 1,
"payer": {
"type": "customer",
"id": "123456789-jxOV430go9fx2e"

payment_response = sdk.payment().create(payment_data)
payment = payment_response["response"]

accessToken := "{{ACCESS_TOKEN}}"

cfg, err := config.New(accessToken)
if err != nil {

client := payment.NewClient(cfg)

request := payment.Request{
   TransactionAmount: 100,
   Token: "ff8080814c11e237014c1ff593b57b4d",
   Description: "My product",
   Installments: 1,
   PaymentMethodID:  "master",
   Payer: &payment.PayerRequest{
      Email: "test_user_12345@testuser.com",
      Identification: &payment.IdentificationRequest{
         Type: "CPF",
         Number: "01234567890",

resource, err := client.Create(context.Background(), request)
if err != nil {


curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
'https://api.mercadopago.com/v1/payments' \
-d '{
transaction_amount: 100,
token: "ff8080814c11e237014c1ff593b57b4d",
installments: 1,
payer: {
type: "customer",
id: "123456789-jxOV430go9fx2e"