Add new cards to a customer - Cards and customers management - Mercado Pago Developers
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Add new cards to a customer

If necessary, it is possible to add new cards to a specific customer. To do this, search for the customer and define the new card data using one of the codes available below.

If it is necessary to delete a card before adding new ones to a customer, send a DELETE to the endpoint /v1/customers/{customer_id}/cards/{id} providing the customer_id and the id of the card you wish to delete. After the successful execution of the request, you will be able to add the new card.
  $customer_client = new CustomerClient();
  $customer = $customer_client->get("1234");

  $card_client = new CustomerCardClient();
  $customer_card = $client->create($customer->id, [
    "token" => "your_card_token",
    "payment_method_id" => "debit_card"

  echo implode($customer_card);

const client = new MercadoPagoConfig({ accessToken: 'access_token' });
const customerClient = new Customer(client);

const customer = customerClient.get({ customerId: '<CUSTOMER_ID>' })
	.then((result) => {

  const cardClient = new CustomerCard(client);

  const body = {
       token : result.token,
       payment_method: 'debit_card' 

cardClient.create({ customerId: customer, body: body })


CustomerClient customerClient = new CustomerClient();
CustomerCardClient customerCardClient = new CustomerCardClient();

Customer customer = customerClient.get("247711297-jxOV430go9fx2e");

CustomerCardIssuer issuer = CustomerCardIssuer.builder()

CustomerCardCreateRequest cardCreateRequest = CustomerCardCreateRequest.builder()

customerCardClient.create(customer.getId(), cardCreateRequest);

require 'mercadopago'


customer_response = sdk.customer.get('247711297-jxOV430go9fx2e')
customer = customer_response[:response]

card_request = {
token: '9b2d63e00d66a8c721607214cedaecda',
payment_method_id: 'debit_card'
card_response = sdk.card.create(customer['id'], card_request)
card = card_response[:response]

puts card

MercadoPagoConfig.AccessToken = "ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN";

var customerClient = new CustomerClient();
Customer customer = await customerClient.GetAsync("247711297-jxOV430go9fx2e");

var cardRequest = new CustomerCardCreateRequest
Token = "9b2d63e00d66a8c721607214cedaecda",
CustomerCard card = await customerClient.CreateCardAsync(customer.Id, cardRequest);


import market
sdk = Mercadopago.SDK("ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN")

customer_response = sdk.customer().get("247711297-jxOV430go9fx2e")
customer = customer_response["response"]

card_data = {
"token": "9b2d63e00d66a8c721607214cedaecda",
"payment_method_id": "debit_card"
card_response = sdk.card().create(customer["id"], card_data)
card = card_response["response"]


accessToken := "{{ACCESS_TOKEN}}"

  cfg, err := config.New(accessToken)
  if err != nil {

  client := customercard.NewClient(cfg)

  request := customercard.Request{Token: "{{CARD_TOKEN}}"}

  resource, err := client.Create(context.Background(), "{{CUSTOMER_ID}}", request)
  if err != nil {


curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
'' \

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
'' \
-d '{"token": "9b2d63e00d66a8c721607214cedaecda", "issuer": {"id": "3245612"}, "payment_method_id":"debit_card"}'


The response will bring the following result.


    "id": "1493990563105",
    "expiration_month": 12,
    "expiration_year": 2020,
    "first_six_digits": "503175",
    "last_four_digits": "0604",
    "payment_method": {
        "id": "master",
        "name": "master",
        "payment_type_id": "credit_card",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "secure_thumbnail": ""
    "security_code": {
        "length": 3,
        "card_location": "back"
    "issuer": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Mastercard"
    "cardholder": {
        "name": "Card holdername",

        "identification": {
            "number": "12345678",
            "type": "DNI"

    "date_created": "2017-05-05T09:22:30.893-04:00",
    "date_last_updated": "2017-05-05T09:22:30.893-04:00",
    "customer_id": "255276729-yLOTNHQjpDWw1X",
    "user_id": "255276729",
    "live_mode": false