Initialize data on the Bricks - Advanced features - Mercado Pago Developers
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Initialize data on the Bricks



In the form displayed for payment by card, you can start with the document and email fields already filled in. For this, it is necessary to pass the following configuration in the Brick's initialization object.

settings = {
  initialization: {
    payer: {
      email: '<PAYER_EMAIL_HERE>',
      identification: {
          type: 'string',
          number: 'string',

const initialization = {
 payer: {
   email: '<PAYER_EMAIL_HERE>',
   identification: {
     type: 'string',
     number: 'string',


Other payment methods

In the form displayed for payment by ticket, you can start with the fields already filled in. For this, it is necessary to pass the following configuration in the Brick's initialization object.

settings = {
  initialization: {
    payer: {
      email: '<PAYER_EMAIL_HERE>',
      firstName: '<PAYER_FIRST_NAME_HERE>',
      lastName: '<PAYER_LAST_NAME_HERE>',

const initialization = {
 payer: {
   firstName: '<PAYER_FIRST_NAME_HERE>',
   lastName: '<PAYER_LAST_NAME_HERE>',
   identification: {
    "type": "<PAYER_DOC_TYPE_HERE>",
    "number": "<PAYER_DOC_NUMBER_HERE>",
   email: '<PAYER_EMAIL_HERE>',
   address: {
     zipCode: '<PAYER_ZIP_CODE_HERE>',
     federalUnit: '<PAYER_FED_UNIT_HERE>',
     city: '<PAYER_CITY_HERE>',
     neighborhood: '<PAYER_NEIGHBORHOOD_HERE>',
     streetName: '<PAYER_STREET_NAME_HERE>',
     streetNumber: '<PAYER_STREET_NUMBER_HERE>',
     complement: '<PAYER_COMPLEMENT_HERE>',