Glossary - Glossary - Mercado Pago Developers
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Learn the terms you need to analyze your report. Use this glossary to check the terms for the reports you generate with dates prior to October. For reports that include later dates, please check this Glossary.

If you have any doubts about the technical terms used, check the glossary below.

Name on the report columnWhat it meansDATERelease, block or unlock date, as appropriate.SOURCE_IDOperation ID in Mercado Pago (for example, the payment of a sale).EXTERNAL_REFERENCE
This information allows you to identify a transaction according to its origin. The code could be:
- Order ID through the order or shipment (if it refers to a cart purchase).
- Its own ID provided by the seller in case it is an external integration

This field may be empty for some cases, such as invoice payments, money transfers, among others.

initial_available_balance → Money available from the previous period.

block → Money blocked by a complaint or chargeback.

unblock → Money released because a complaint or chargeback was resolved.

release → Money from a collection that was released.

fullblock → Money blocked by restriction.

subtotal → Sum of the amounts of each record type.

total → Total Net Amount.

available_balance → balance before and after a withdrawal or transfer, which explains the account balance.

DESCRIPTION Possible values that the field can take:
Definitions to consider:

chargeback: appears when a chargeback associated with the referred payment is initiated or resolved.

dispute: appears when a mediation or complaint on the referred payment is initiated or resolved. It can occur before or after the payment has been released as available money and even withdrawn from the account.

shipping_return: appears when a payment made by express return is blocked or unlocked.

payment: payment that is released in any of the channels in which the client operates.

withdrawal: withdrawal made from the available money.

refund: refund associated with the referred payment.

tax_payment_ibcf: perception of gross income in Federal Capital, it is calculated once a month according to the operations transacted. To reconcile by operation, see the detail in the Invoice Reports in MyML.

tax_payment_ibcf_cancel: cancellation of the gross income tax in Federal Capital.

tax_payment_ibex: collection of gross income per subject exceeded by a simplified regime, it is calculated once a month according to the transactions traded. To reconcile by operation, see the detail in the Invoice Reports in MyML.

tax_payment_iibb: collection of gross income in the province of Buenos Aires, it is calculated once a month according to the transactions transacted. To reconcile by operation, see the detail in the Invoice Reports in MyML.

tax_payment_iibb_cancel: cancellation of the gross income tax.

tax_payment_iibb_cre_[jurisdiction]: Gross Income Tax - Mercado Crédito, in which [jurisdiction] is replaced by the name of the province where the tax is generated.
Example 1: tax_payment_iibb_cre_misiones
Example 2: tax_payment_iibb_cre_san_luis
To reconcile by operation, see the detail in the Invoice Reports in MyML.

tax_iibb_[jurisdiction]: Gross Income Tax, in which [jurisdiction] is replaced by the name of the province where the tax is generated.
Example 1: tax_iibb_misiones
Example 2: tax_iibb_san_luis
To reconcile by operation, see the detail in the Invoice Reports in MyML.

tax_iva: VAT - General Regime.tax_iva_cre: VAT - General Regime - Mercado Crédito.

tax_credit_debit: tax on Credits and Debits in force in Argentina as of August 1st, 2021 for legal entities. This tax applies to all transactions with third parties, deposits and cash withdrawals.Learn more about this tax..

tax_withdholding_cancel: la cancelación de la retención tax_withdholding

tax_withdholding: the collection of withholdings that could not be transactionally executed to the associated payment. In Argentina they are only withholdings of Gross Revenue (perceptions are debited as another operation). In Uruguay they are VAT withholdings. In Colombia they are withholdings of VAT, ICA and Source as applicable.

tax_withdholding_cancel: the cancellation of the tax_withdholding retention.

tax_withholding_payer: tax on Credits and Debits on Payments.

tax_withholding_collector: tax on Credits and Debits on Payments.

tax_withholding_payout: tax on Credits and Debits on Withdrawals.

tax_withholding_shipping: tax on Credits and Debits on Money Transfers.

shipping: shipping commission for cart purchases that is not included in each cart payment.

shipping_cancel: cancellation of the shipping commission for cart purchases that is not included in each cart payment.

mediation: resolution of a mediation in favor of the buyer that ends up subtracting from the money available from the seller.

mediation_cancel: cancellation of mediation resolved in favor of the buyer.

chargeback: chargeback either for or against an operation.

fee-release_in_advance: advance fee.

asset_management_gain: positive return generated by the variation in the value of shares subscribed in the mutual fund.

asset_management_loss: negative return generated by the variation in the value of shares subscribed in the mutual fund.

restriction: occurs when you apply a restriction for fraudulent behavior.

credit_payment: appears when the fee for a loan granted is charged.

payout: money withdrawal available at Mercado Pago.

reserve_for_embargo_invested: blocking of your invested money. This value appears when there is a reserve of money in investment funds.

reserve_for_bpp_shipping_return: reserve for returns.

reserve_for_debt_payment: withheld for debt payment.

reserve_for_refund: withheld for approved returns.

reserve_for_cbk_cross_recovery: withheld for linked account chargeback.

reserve_for_payment: expenses pending confirmation. NET_DEBIT_AMOUNTAccredited to the amount available.NET_CREDIT_AMOUNTDebited to the amount available.SELLER_AMOUNTAmount received for split purchases.GROSS_AMOUNTGross operation amount.METADATAExtra data such as the ID of partial returns or data provided by the seller in case of having an external integration.MP_FEE_AMOUNTCommission Payment of Mercado Pago and/or Mercado Libre. Includes VAT.FINANCING_FEE_AMOUNTCost for offering interest-free installments.SHIPPING_FEE_AMOUNTShipping cost.TAXES_AMOUNTTaxes charged for gross income withholdings.COUPON_AMOUNTDiscount coupon amount. Only the gross amount (GROSS_AMOUNT) is discounted if provided by the seller.INSTALLMENTSNumber of installments in which the operation was carried out.PAYMENT METHODPayment methods available according to the country with which you operate in Mercado Pago.TAX_DETAIL
Description of the tax withheld by operation in TAXES_AMOUNT.

TAX_AMOUNT_TELCOIt is the value of the tax on telecommunications companies that is deducted from the gross value.TRANSACTION_APPROVAL_DATEDate of approval of the operation.POS_IDCash ID if the payment is made through a physical commerce.POS_NAMECash name for the payment made through a physical commerce.EXTERNAL_POS_IDUser-defined cashier ID for payment made through a physical commerce.STORE_IDBranch ID if payment is made through a physical commerce.STORE_NAMEBranch name for payment made through a physical commerce.EXTERNAL_STORE_IDUser-defined branch ID for payment made through a physical commerce.ORDER_IDPurchase Order.SHIPPING_IDShipping Identification.SHIPMENT_MODEShipping Mode.PACK_IDPackage identification in the cart.TAXES_DISAGGREGATEDTaxes disaggregated in JSON format.EFFECTIVE_COUPON_AMOUNTCost for offering discount.POI_IDPoint ID if payment is made through a physical retailer.CARD_INITIAL_NUMBERIt corresponds to the first digits of the credit or debit card that you used to make the purchase.OPERATION_TAGSThese are labels to categorize and/or segment different aspects of the transaction, such as the channels used to make a payment. They are identified as:
WHATSAPP_PAY: This label indicates that the payment was made via WhatsApp
QR: This label indicates that the payment was made with a QR code
PO: This label indicates that the payment was made with Point
MARKETPLACE: This label indicates that the payment was made directly in Mercado Libre.ITEM_IDIdentifier of the product sold.