Configure your credentials - Integration configuration - Mercado Pago Developers
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Configure your credentials

To integrate with Mercado Pago, you must first enter your credentials to enable the payment methods available in the store's country of origin. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods menu.
  2. In the Merchant Country field, select the country of operation for your store.
  3. Next, access the Mercado Pago > Credentials section to enable the payment methods available in the store's country of origin.
  4. On the page in question, you will find the Public key and Access token fields, which you must fill in with the credentials of production or test indicated in Your integrations. The filling must be in accordance with the payment flow that you will be configuring, that is, if it will be an integration test or if the store will go into production.
  5. After setting your credentials, click the Save Config button in the upper right corner. It is important that you save your credentials before proceeding as this will enable the payment methods available in your country.